Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Job

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  1. Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Job Description

What is the database owner? The database owner is a user that has permissions to perform all activities in a database. On a SQL server, database owners can be changed. Any user that has all the rights to connect to the SQL server can become the owner of any database. In this article I will give you a step by step guide on How to Change Database Owner with SQL Server Management Studio

1. Connect to your database using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

  • I have had that experience and in this tip I will show you a quick way to find database objects using SQL Server Management Studio. This filter option in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is very useful if you have lots of tables, views, stored procedures and functions in your database and you need to search for a particular set of.
  • It is common practice, for example, for each unique MySQL database on a server to have its own unique user associated with it, such that only one single user has authentication access to one single database and vice-versa. To GRANT ALL privileges to a user, allowing that user full control over a specific database, use the following syntax.

2. In the object explorer, right click on the database that you want to change the owner and go to “Properties” menu:

3. In the properties window, go to menu “Select a page -> Files”. Search or write the new owner. For the purposes of this example I will set “WspSqlAdmin” as an owner. Once you’re done, click on OK to save your changes:

4. And that’s it! The owner has been changed!

This concludes Change Database Owner with SQL Server Management Studio

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Sqlpro Studio 1 0 172 – Powerful Database Manager Job Description

Rodolfo Hernandez