Quiver In Matlab


  1. Using Quiver In Matlab

h = quiverm(lat,lon,deltalat,deltalon) displays velocity vectorswith components (deltalat,deltalon) at the geographicpoints (lat,lon) on displayed map axes. All fourinputs should be in the AngleUnits of the map axes.The inputs deltalat and deltalon determinethe direction of the vectors in latitude and longitude, respectively.The function automatically determines the length of these vectorsto make them as long as possible without overlap. The object handlesof the displayed vectors can be returned in h.

A three-dimensional quiver plot displays vectors with components (u,v,w) at the points (x,y,z). Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. However I do not wanna the quiver in a log scale, I prefer in a normal scale. I understand ur meaning which is the shortern of the arrow may misrepresent the data, but the arrow is too long in the top half of the graph which may cause misunderstanding that the data in 100 is several times larger than 900.

h = quiverm(lat,lon,deltalat,deltalon,linestyle) allowsthe control of the line specification of the displayed vectors witha linespec. If you use symbols,they are plotted at the start points of the vectors, i.e., the inputpoints (lat,lon).

h = quiverm(lat,lon,deltalat,deltalon,linestyle,'filled') resultsin the filling in of any symbols specified by linestyle.


Using Quiver In Matlab

h = quiverm(lat,lon,deltalat,deltalon,scale) and h= quiverm(lat,lon,deltalat,deltalon,linestyle,scale,'filled') alterthe automatically calculated vector lengths by multiplying them bythe scalar value scale. For example, if scale is2, the displayed vectors are twice as long as they would be if scale were1 (the default). When scale is set to 0, the automatic scaling issuppressed, and the length of the vectors is determined by the inputs.In this case, the vectors are plotted from (lat,lon)to (lat+deltalat,lon+deltalon).