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  • POST a QUESTION or COMMENT about how often does a septic tank need to be pumped or cleaned?

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Septic tank cleaning or pumpout frequency guidelines or rules:

This article provides a septic tank pumping schedule based on septic tank size and level of usage. This document explains a key point in how septic systems work: the septic tank & septic system cleaning schedule - when to pump out the septic tank.

We describe all of the reasonable methods for determining the recommended frequency for cleaning out a septic tank: using a cleanout frequency table, using objective measurements, using an electronic tank monitor. We also explain what is septic tank effluent retention time, why to measure septic tank scum and sludge levels in sum we provide a comprehensive guide to answering: How often should septic tanks be pumped?

We also provide a MASTER INDEX to this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom SEARCH BOX as a quick way to find information you need.

How Often Do You Pump Out A Septic Tank?

The septic tank cleanout schedule table given just below lists the recommended septic tank pumping frequency according to septic tank capacity and household size.

The septic tank pumping schedules given here were calculated based on basic septic system design concepts requiring a septic tank to provide a minimum of 24 hours of wastewater retention assuming 50 percent digestion of the retained solids.

Common septic tank pumping frequency mistakes

  1. Failure to pump the septic tank frequently enough: leading to an early drainfield failure and costly repairs
  2. Pumping or cleaning the septic tank too frequently, wasting money (though you're wasting a lot less money than the cost of a new drainfield.
    Some septic pumping contractors and some other 'experts' give a fixed rule of thumb that serves their own interest, such as 'pump your septic tank every year' or 'pump your septic tank every two years' or in a case we know about in Minnesota, 'pump the septic tank every couple of months or after you've had a lot of visitors'.
    It would be smarter to pump the septic tank before or both before and after heavy use if we know the septic system is marginal. Pump the tank before a period of heavy usage to avoid a sewage backup during the heavy usage interval and afterwards to get back to normal usage levels.
    See SEPTIC BACKUP PREVENTION for tips to avoid a septic problem during times of anticipated heavy septic system usage.
    Contractors may give this advice without first having actually considered any information about the septic system capacity, level of usage, age, or other conditions. It's a great example of 'OPM' or 'other people's money' - spending someone else's money to reduce your risk that they'll complain that your advice wasn't safe enough.
  3. Pumping the septic tank with the fantasy that doing so will 'fix' a clogged or failed drainfield. All you really gain is a few days of toilet flushing before the tank has re-filled.

See this complete list
SEPTIC TANK PUMPING MISTAKES and fantasies about how septic tanks work and how they should be maintained.

Actually inspecting the septic system, diagnosing any problems or failures, and inspecting conditions inside the septic tank will tell us whether the tank is being pumped at the correct frequency.

The removal of septic waste by cleaning the septic tank is a critical step in septic system care as it extends the life of the septic field. Even if you don't care how septic systems work you need to know when to clean the septic tank by pumping out septic waste.

Using the septic tank cleaning frequency table just below, simply look up your tank size and number of building occupants to see how often the septic tank should be cleaned. Later in this article we list other factors that can increase or decrease the recommended pumping rate.

Table I. Septic Tank Pumping Frequency in Years

Septic Tank Size

Gallons / Liters

Household size - Number of Occupants

Septic Tank Pumping Frequency in Years

500 gallons * / 1890 liters5.
750 * / 28409.
900 / 340011.
1000 / 380012.
1250 / 500015.
1500 / 550018.
1750 / 650022.
2000 / 750025.412.
2250 / 850028.614.
2500 / 950030.915.610.

NOTES to the Septic Tank Pumping Schedule Table:

  • Numbers in the septic pumping table indicate septic treatment tank pump out in frequency of every nn years for conventional septic tanks, and assuming for year-round occupancy of the residence. (This data does not pertain to simple holding tanks which retain all solid and liquid waste with no treatment no effluent disposal system.)
  • * These septic tank sizes are below the minimum size allowed in Pennsylvania and other jurisdictions. Florida septic tank pumping rules and Ohio septic tank cleaning rules may be more demanding.
  • Minimum septic tank sizes: Under current Pennsylvania law a 900 gallon septic tank is the minimum size that must be used for a home with three bedrooms or less. If six people reside in a three-bedroom house, the tank should be pumped every 1.3 years.
    If the same system serves a family of two, the tank would be ready for pumping every 5.2 years. Systems installed before the current rules and regulations were implemented may need to be pumped more often, perhaps every year or less.
  • Garbage disposers will increase the frequency of pumping. For example, if this same three bedroom house with six residents had a garbage disposal and was generally producing a higher volume of wastewater, the pumping frequency would be calculated as follows:
    1.3 years - [(0.2) x 1.3 years] = 1.0 year.
    For more analysis of the effect of garbage disposers on septic systems
  • Typical Septic Tank Pumping Costs: A typical fee to pump a septic tank is $200. to $300 to pump a septic tank up to 1000g in size, provided that the tank pumping access port has been uncovered and is readily accessible.
    If the septic pumping contractor needs to find the septic tank and then excavate the septic tank pumping access opening, expect to pay an additional $350. to $400. provided that no extraordinary measures are needed. Prices vary somewhat by region.
    A part of the fee you're paying your septic pumping contractor is the cost to dispose of the septage.
  • For an explanation of the meaning of sewage levels in the septic tank and how that information informs septic tank pumping frequency,

Portions of this information were provided by the Penn State College of Agriculture - Cooperative Extension.
We have edited and added to the original septic tank pumping guideline material based on research and field experience testing, inspecting, and installing septic systems and based on study of other reference sources on septic system maintenance and design.

Septic Tank Pumping Schedule for Part-Time Occupied Buildings

Question: What Schedule should I use to Pump a Part-Time-Occupied Summer Home?

22 Sept 2015 Bill said:

I have a camp with a 1250 gal. tank. It is seasonal, only used in the summer. We have shower, toilet and sink that empties in the septic. What schedule should I use to pump?

Reply: Divide the Septic Pumping Table Frequency by the Portion of Year of Building Occupancy

Bill you can take any point in the septic pumping schedule table and then increase the length of the interval between septic tank pumpouts by making this reasonable-guess:

1. Choose the number of building occupants to find the proper line in the pumping shcedule. Also choose the table entry for the size of your septic tank in gallons.

2. Choose the number of months during a year that the building is occupied

3. Calculate the new pumping schedule by dividing the number in the table on this page by the fraction of the year that the building is occupied.


Household size = 4 people
Septic Tank size = 1250 gallons
Table pumping frequency: every 3.4 years (Keep in mind it would be ridiculous to think that we can know precisely the conditions in an individual septic tank - these are general guidelines)

3.4 x 12 = 40 months between tank pumpings

Months your Camp is occupied = 4

Months in a year = 12

Portion of the year your camp is occupied = 6/12 = .5 or 50%

Pumpout Schedule from Table / Portion of Year Occupied = 40 months / .5 = 80 months between pumpouts.

Watch out: before launching into an extended we-don't-have-to-pump-the-septic-tank-because-InspectApedia-said-so interval, it would be smart to have your septic tank pumped and its condition inspected so that you are starting from a known condition.

Whenever you open and clean a septic tank the following can give a more accurate idea of the actual septic tank pumping frequency needed at a specific building:

  • The size of the septic tank
  • The level or thickness of scum and sludge layers in the septic tank
  • The time since the septic tank was last pumped
  • The level of usage of the building since the septic tank was last pumped
  • Indications of septic system problems found when the tank was inspected and pumped

Watch out: for any building that sees occasional surges of heavy septic tank use, simply pumping the tank based on average occupancy over the year can get you into trouble.

The big surge of sewage and wastewater can overwhelm the septic system's ability to cope, particularly you may flood the drainfield or push solids into the soakbed, drainfield, or seepage bed.

You might head off trouble by pumping the septic tank out completely just before the surge of visitors. A sewage backup into the building or out onto the ground during a wedding can be a nasty touch to an othewise lovely event.

See SEPTIC TANK PUMPING REASONSwhere we describe pumping the septic tank before a par;ty.


Pumping Schedule for Sewage Holding Tanks

Onsite sewage disposal system holding tanks, where there is no septic field, will need to be pumped more frequently based simply on the rate and volume of septic waste inflow.

A smart design for sewage or septic holding tanks is the inclusion of a septic tank alarm system that will tell when the tank needs to be pumped. Set the alarm float to sound the alarm early enough that you can continue to use the plumbing system while waiting for your septic pumping contractor to arrive.


A periodic inspection of the septic holding tank levels is an alternative but not one that most people actually manage to follow with enough care to avoid trouble.

Electronic Monitors for Septic Tank Scum & Sludge Levels Give Septic Tank Cleanout Frequency

Below at References we also describe an electronic septic tank monitor or grease trap monitor from Worldstone.

These devices can track sludge, scum, or grease [image] levels in order to best schedule septic tank pumping or grease trap cleaning. This product is suitable for commercial installations and possibly for some residential septic tank systems.

According to the company,

'Data from monitors can help establish appropriate service intervals, and document maintenance for regulatory compliance. Alarm features can help detect abnormal conditions and prevent costly backups.'The company also produces an oil tank level monitor.

Thanks to reader Robert Shirley for this tip.

OPINION - DF: this product is a great idea for commercial installations or problem septic installations. Substituting actual septic tank scum layer thickness or scum level thickness data for the septic tank pumping schedule table above may allow the tank to be opened and pumped less often - saving some money.

Watch out: But don't forget that regular opening and inspection of the septic tank, such as happens when the septic tank is to be pumped out or 'cleaned', gives an additional opportunity to check for other septic system problems that could be leading to a costly failure, but that don't directly concern the septic tank sludge or scum layer thickness.

Examples include the discovery of lost or damaged septic tank baffles, septic tanks leaks that allow ground water to flood the septic system, or septic tank leaks out of the tank.

Alternative Septic Tank Pumping Frequency Guidelines: the University of Minnesota Septic Tank Inspection Frequency Point System

The University of Minnesota has published 'Septic Tank Pumping Frequency Guidelines' that take a different approach than the cookbook table of septic tank sizes and number of building occupants shown in our table above.

But the document does not really tell the homeowner when to pump the septic tank. Instead it calls for essentially very frequent septic tank 'inspections' to decide if pumping is needed, without, regrettably, explaining what that inspection would entail nor how that inspection would decide that the septic tank needs to be cleaned.

Watch out:In sum, we cannot recommend this chart's use as the best or sole option for deciding when to pump out a septic tank, nor does the chart actually answer that question, as we explain below.

However it would indeed be a 'safe' approach to inspect the septic tank conditions at every one, two, or three years, which is the actual end result of this misnamed worksheet.

Septic Tank Pumping Frequency vs Septic Inspection Frequency - clarified

Instead of taking the widely-used septic tank size and number of bedrooms table approach, U.Minn. experts have provided a table or questionnaire that when answered, gives a septic tank inspection frequency in years.

The appeal of this approach is that it allows a homeowner to take into consideration factors that would either increase or decrease the interval for septic tank inspection based on factors that increase or decrease the septic failure risks posed by the home and its usage.

Unfortunately factors enumerated in the point-counting approach have some troubles of their own, as we explain below.

The added cost of annual to tri annual septic tank inspections might be weighed against the safety, fine-tuning, and 'actual septic tank data' approach to septic tank inspection frequency we describe below, or the simple and easy to use septic tank pumping frequency table we provided above.

Watch out: the septic tank worksheet does list some interesting septic tank risk factors, as we elaborate below. However, overall the worksheet we reviewed underweights the septic tank failure risk of some factors and overweights or confuses others, and it does not directly address the risk of drainfield damage caused by flushing high volumes of wastewater (laundry, water softener) through the septic tank.

But the chart doesn't do that anyway. Although the chart's title is 'Septic Tank Pumping Frequency Guidelines' it does not provide that information. Instead, if you complete all of the work and analysis in this chart, you end up at one of three frequencies at which you should inspect the septic tank condition to determine if it needs to be cleaned:

Septic System Failure Risk Level Factors vs Recommended Inspection & Pumping Frequency
Septic Worksheet Risk 'score'
0-8 = Low Risk

2-3 year septic tank inspections:

Evaluate the septic tank conditions every 2-3 years to see if cleaning is needed.

In Minnesota some municipalities require septic pumping or inspection every 3 years.

Requirements vary in other U.S. States & Canadian Provinces as well as of course municipalities in other countries.

8 - 18 = Medium Risk

1.5 - 2.5 year septic tank inspections:

Evaluate the septic tank conditions every 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 years to see if cleaning is needed

19-26 = High Risk Annual septic tank inspections: Evaluate the septic tank every year to see if cleaning is needed

Notes to the table above

Adapted from the U. Minnesota septic tank pumping frequency worksheet cited below at reference [5]

[5] 'University of Minnesota Septic Tank Pumping Frequency Guidelines [PDF] University of Minnesota, 2009 for extra copies of the original chart call (800) 322-8642, retrieved 1/15/2010, original source: prod/groups/cfans/ @pub/@cfans/ @ostp/documents/ asset/cfans_asset_126408.pdf

U.Minn assigns a numeric value such as 0, 1, or 2 or for some items 0-4 as the septic system load is likely to be increased.

The homeowner adds up various risk number totals to reach a 'risk score' that puts their system into one of three categories of septic tank 'evaluation' frequency. 'Evaluation of the septic tank ' here means determine if it needs to be cleaned.

Do We Need to Evaluate the Septic Tank ?

Really? What the heck does 'Evaluate the Septic Tank' mean? This question is not addressed in the UM worksheet. Without septic tank inspection points, pass/fail criteria, or trouble signs for which the 'evaluator' is to be alert, we just don't know what to make of this advice and we certainly can't expect any consistency in the results.

However we answer this question in excruciating detail beginning

at SEPTIC TANK INSPECTION PROCEDURE where we list many things that should be evaluated to avoid septic system failures or worse, unsafe conditions; or you can 'cut to the chase' as mom says, and have your septic contractor open the septic tank

and MEASURE SCUM & SLUDGE, to know objectively if the tank needs pumping.

Watch out: 'Evaluation of septic tank condition' is not well defined. Experts generally agree that there are a number of inspection points including the septic tank sludge and scum layer thickness that determine that septic tank pumping is needed (or not) but that there are other inspection points that are very important such as evidence of backup, damaged baffles, tank flooding or septic tank leaks, and of course septic tank safety: safe covers, no signs of collapse risk, etc.

Some Factors that Should Increase the Septic Tank Pumping Frequency

  • Use of a garbage disposer or food waste grinder increases septic tank pumpout frequency - we agree, but not all experts do.
    See GARBAGE DISPOSAL vs SEPTICS for details.
  • Use of a sewage ejector pump connected to the septic system may increase septic tank pumpout frequency by adding macerated sewage that increases the risk of pushing floating solids into the drainfield.
  • Use of a water softener or water conditioner such as an iron filter whose regeneration cycle water empties into the septic tank may increase the tank pumping frequency, though this is arguable in our opinion.
    Issues are excessive salt dosage that is going to reduce septic tank bacterial action but worse may seriously damage a drainfield; also the water volume itself can flood a marginal drainfield.
    See REDUCE IMPACT of SOFTENER on SEPTIC and also our discussion of the effects
  • Frequency of use of laundry facilities; similar questions and arguable facts as with water conditioners. However installing a septic filter to keep fabric filters out of a septic tank or drywell can give significant benefit as can avoiding excessive volumes of powdered detergents.
    And as with water conditioners, the effect of water volume on the drainfield may be more immediate and serious than the effects of laundry water on the septic tank.
  • The U.Minn. table adjusts the laundry impact on septic tanks and septic tank risk levels downwards if you
    • use a water-conserving top loading washer or a front-loading washing machine [presumably they mean that either unit should be water-conserving]
    • have installed low flow shower heads
    • have installed low water usage toilets
    • repair [water supply system] leaks [such as drippy faucets and running toilets] quickly
    • use mild cleaning products & detergents and limit use of anti-bacterial products - in our opinion arguable as the level of antibacterial effect of at least some popular brand dish soaps has been estimated as trivial;
      I would have instead increased the risk level for constant or frequent use of antibiotics by occupants of the building, as nursing homes, for example suffer septic tank bacterial action reduction from that cause
  • An in-home business that increases water usage (daycare, taxidermy, hair salon) increases septic tank damage risk - same arguments as we suggested above should lead one to be concerned about the drainfield when added waste water volume rather than added solids are present; some home businesses (photography or taxidermy) include use of chemicals that should not be flushed into a septic system.
  • Having 3 or more overnight guests at a time or large groups visiting the home add septic tank risk; the table and approach does a poor job of distinguishing between 3 overnight guests once a year and regular extra sleepover guests; similarly, occupancies that place more than the usually-assumed 2 occupants per bedroom should cause a septic tank pumpout frequency increase
  • Septic tank size vs number of bedrooms: here we are in full agreement about the impact of high number of bedrooms and small septic tank sizes, but adding risk points for 'don't know' is a bit vague.
  • Time since last time the septic tank was cleaned affects the risk level - we agree completely.
    The worksheet adds one risk point if it's been 3-5 years since last septic tank cleanout and 2 risk points if it's been more than 5 years. In our OPINION this is a ridiculously weak weight placed on this critical factor.
    We regularly hear from people who have lived in a home for fifteen or twenty years and don't recall ever pumping out their septic tank, nor where the tank is located, nor what size it is. Those are likely to be much higher risk situations than a 1500-gallon tank at a home with two people that was last pumped out six years ago.

If you don't know where the septic tank is located,


At TANK INSPECTION PROCEDURE we describe how to inspect the septic tank before, during, and after tank cleaning operations.

Reader Q&A - also see the FAQs series linked-to below

On 2020-10-14 by (mod) - septic tank pumping schedule when there are multiple septic tanks at a property.

Thanks for a helpful question on figuring the septic tank pumping schedule when there are multiple septic tanks at a property.
As my much-admired inspector friend Mark Cramer (Tampa) says .... it depends.
How are the 2 septic tanks connected?
If each is receiving sewage from the building the each needs to be pumped as a 900 gal. tank.
If the two are connected in series and sewage flows just into the first tank while effluent flows out of the first tank and into the second one - a common design also referring to the second septic tank as a settling chamber,
then the first tank is pumped as a 900g tank - on that schedule, but the second tank will need cleaning less-frequently;
In that design you'd have the septic cleaning contractor inspect the level of sludge and scum in the second tank to determine when it's due for cleaning.

On 2020-10-14 by John

I have 2 tanks, each are 900 gallons - so1800 total gallons. Do I say my tanks are 1800 gallons or do I follow the 900 gallon guideline? Former owners did full dual-tank pump every 6 years and a one tank pump in between the full tank pumps every 3 years. So full pump, 3 years, one tank pump, 3 years, full pump, etc. I can't tell if that's the right method or not?

On 2020-07-03 by (mod)

Septic tank pumping frequency depends on tank size and incoming wastewater volume
Please see the details and pumping frequency table given in the article above and let me know if you have any questions
And to be clear: it's not that the septic tank needs to be 'emptied' - a septic tank, in active use, is normally always 'full' all the time.
What is needed is periodic septic tank 'cleaning' which means removing the settled sludge and floating scum.
If we don't do that the free area in the tank gets too small and as a result suspended solids are pushed out into the absorption field (drainfield) thus ruining it and leading to expensive repairs.

On 2020-07-03 by Anonymous

How often does a home septic tank need to be emptied?

On 2020-07-02 by (mod)

Septic holding tanks are used in some limited situations where it's not possible to install a working septic treatment system. However they are illegal and no longer permitted in most locations and jurisdictions. That's because it's not a system but simply a holding tank.
To use the phrase septic system we need to include not simply a holding tank but also a method of treatment so that the liquid effluent waste water can be safely discharged into the environment.
Holding tanks are also used of course in campers and RVs.
Just for completeness you might be thinking about package unit septic systems that are considered a miniature Waste Water Treatment Plant All In one. Those systems may use a treatment method that does not involve a soil or drain field approach

On 2020-07-02 by Thomas

Is there a septic system with no drain fields or aerators just a holding tank that requites pumping out periodically?

On 2020-07-02 12:56:20.567326 by Tom

A septic system with no drain fields or aerators but has a holding tank that requires pumping periodically.

On 2020-05-27 Zoe Campos said:

Thank you for reminding me that refusal to clean my septic tank can lead to serious damages and costly repair in the future. My parents don't actually remember the last time they cleaned it but smelling foul odor near the lines might be an indicator that they haven't. IT might be a good idea to hire experts in septic services and see if it's not too late for septic tank cleaning services.

On 2020-05-08 by (mod)

What on earth are they going to do each month. Ask for specifics.
And what kind of septic system do you have installed? Some require periodic maintenance, though monthly?

On 2020-05-08 by Danny

Septic company wants to schedule monthly maint schedule after it pumped tanks why monthly?

On 2020-01-06 by (mod)

jack said:
I love that you mentioned that you could save money on potential repairs if you are to get your tank pumped often enough. My wife and I have been talking about finding ways to properly keep our tank in good condition, and it will be important for us to know that we could find the right ways to. I will be sure to get it pumped often, so we could save on repairs.

On 2019-08-27 - by (mod) -

Sue your daughter would not have and could not have called us for septic care. provides building and environmental diagnostic and repair information.
In order to absolutely assure our readers that we write and report without bias we do not sell any products nor do we have any business or financial relationships that could create such conflicts of interest.
InspectAPedia is an independent publisher of building, environmental, and forensic inspection, diagnosis, and repair information for the public - we have no business nor financial connection with any manufacturer or service provider discussed at our website. We very much welcome critique, questions, or content suggestions for our web articles.

However if specific questions arise about the condition of your daughter's septic system we welcome those questions and may be able to offer suggestions or to pose questions to ask your LOCAL septic pumping company.

On 2019-08-26 by Sue Buckner

Has my daughter called for septic care.. Jean Sue Buckner? I know the septic needs pumping on 12238 Circle Dr. .. I owe this property and responsible for the upkeep..I want to know if this is being done.. She is very sick and needs help.. thank you 🙏

On 2018-11-15 by (mod)

Dr kirsch

Describes the proper procedure for sanitizing a Water Conditioner or water softener. The required amount of bleach is not arbitrary nor is there a single correct number.
Rather the bleach dose when sanitizing a softener depends on the resin tank size.
Also if you don't put the bleach in correctly you can have a devil of a time getting rid of the smell.
The article explains how to do that. Please take a look and let me know what you think.

On 2018-11-14 by

have septic sys. with 1000 gal. holding tank. water softener that generates about 4 to 5 days. water has live bacteria. we run about 1/4 cup chlorine thru softener, and 1/2 cup to 200 gal water heater. am i running to much disinfectant to my sys.?


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Technical Reviewers & References

  • New York State Department of Health, 'Appendix 75-A Wastewater Treatment Standards - Individual Household Systems', [PDF] New York State Department of Health, 3 February 2010, retrieved 3/1/2010, original source:
  • [1] 'Estimated Septic Tank Pumping Frequency,' Karen Mancl, 1984. Journal of Environmental Engineering. Volume 110.
  • [2] 'The Soil as a Treatment System.' Tyler, E. T., R. Laak, E. McCoy, and S. S. Sandhu, Home Sewage Treatment. ASAE publication 5-77, 1977.
  • [3] Thanks to reader Robert Shirley, Calgary, for discussing alternative ways to measure septic tank sludge, including the relatively low cost electronic system on the market from Worldstone Inc. (SepticWatch) - a system to monitor sludge and scum and grease levels in grease traps or septic tanks - 04/20/2010
  • [4] Worldstone, electronic monitors, including via internet, for grease traps, septic tanks, oil tanks - manufactured by F.O.G. Solutions, 1348 Delta Drive, Saginaw, MI 48638, 866 279-2824, 989-928-1806, Fax 480-247-4983
    'Worldstone Inc. is a Braintree Massachusetts based company that specializes in separation tank monitoring. Using established ultrasonic technologies, Worldstone’s GREASEwatch, SEPTICwatch and OILwatch monitors capture critical tank information and transfers data to city officials, end users or service providers creating a safer, cost effective solution to manual inspections. Data from monitors can help establish appropriate service intervals, and document maintenance for regulatory compliance. Alarm features can help detect abnormal conditions and prevent costly backups.
    Worldstone monitors are currently assisting over 200 major restaurants, hospitals, prisons, casinos and city officials across the United States.'

    Septic Tank Monitoring:
    'The SEPTICwatch monitor provides continuous monitoring of the sludge, scum, temperature and liquid levels [in a septic tank]. ... real-time information on actual changes as a percentage of permissible floating solids, bottom solids and total solids. It also provides the immediate status of the liquid level within the tank in inches. Using the monitor's programmable Control Unit, the tank's optimum level for pumping is set, so the tank can be pumped when it's actually needed. The [septic tank] monitor's Control Unit can also be programmed to warn of dangerously high solid levels and lower than normal/higher than normal liquid levels - emergency conditions that could indicate system failure.'
    Grease Trap Monitoring:
    '...GREASEwatch monitor uses ultrasonic transducers and an embedded microprocessor to continuously monitor the sludge, scum, liquid levels and temperature in your grease trap. ... get real-time information on incremental changes in the levels of floating solids, bottom solids and total solids at the touch of a button. ... the immediate status of the liquid level in the trap in inches. The Control Unit can be programmed to indicate how full the tank should be before pumping, so there's no more guessing when it's time for service. The GREASEwatch monitor lets you plan a pumping level that meets your needs and protects your investment.'
  • [5] 'University of Minnesota Septic Tank Pumping Frequency Guidelines', University of Minnesota, 2009 for extra copies of the original chart call (800) 322-8642, retrieved 1/15/2010, original source:
    @ostp/documents/asset/cfans_asset_126408.pdf [copy on file as U_Minn_Septic_Pumping_Chart.pdf]
  • US EPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual [online copy, free] Top Reference: US EPA's Design Manual for Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, 1980, available from the US EPA, the US GPO Superintendent of Documents (Pueblo CO), and from the National Small Flows Clearinghouse. Original source Onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems,Richard J Otis, published by the US EPA. Although it's more than 20 years old, this book remains a useful reference for septic system designers.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Program Operations; Office of Research and Development, Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory; (1980)
  • 'International Private Sewage Disposal Code,' 1995, BOCA-708-799-2300, ICBO-310-699-0541, SBCCI 205-591-1853, available from those code associations.
  • 'Manual of Policy, Procedures, and Guidelines for Onsite Sewage Systems,' Ontario Reg. 374/81, Part VII of the EnvironmentalProtection Act (Canada), ISBN 0-7743-7303-2, Ministry of the Environment,135 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 Canada $24. CDN.
  • Manual of Septic Tank Practice, US Public Health Service's 1959.
  • US EPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual [online copy, free] Top Reference: US EPA's Design Manual for Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, 1980, available from the US EPA, the US GPO Superintendent of Documents (Pueblo CO), and from the National Small Flows Clearinghouse. Original source Onsite wastewater treatment and disposal systems,Richard J Otis, published by the US EPA. Although it's more than 20 years old, this book remains a useful reference for septic system designers.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Program Operations; Office of Research and Development, Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory; (1980)
  • Eco John® Innovative Toilet Solutions, Global Inventive Industries, Fountain Valley CA, PDF, product brochure
  • 'International Private Sewage Disposal Code,' 1995, BOCA-708-799-2300, ICBO-310-699-0541, SBCCI 205-591-1853, available from those code associations.
  • 'Manual of Policy, Procedures, and Guidelines for Onsite Sewage Systems,' Ontario Reg. 374/81, Part VII of the EnvironmentalProtection Act (Canada), ISBN 0-7743-7303-2, Ministry of the Environment,135 St. Clair Ave. West, Toronto Ontario M4V 1P5 Canada $24. CDN.
  • Manual of Septic Tank Practice, US Public Health Service's 1959.

Books & Articles on Building & Environmental Inspection, Testing, Diagnosis, & Repair

  • Our recommended books about building & mechanical systems design, inspection, problem diagnosis, and repair, and about indoor environment and IAQ testing, diagnosis, and cleanup are at the InspectAPedia Bookstore. Also see our Book Reviews - InspectAPedia.
  • Advanced Onsite Wastewater Systems Technologies, Anish R. Jantrania, Mark A. Gross. Anish Jantrania, Ph.D., P.E., M.B.A., is a Consulting Engineer, in Mechanicsville VA, 804-550-0389 (2006). Outstanding technical reference especially on alternative septic system design alternatives. Written for designers and engineers, this book is not at all easy going for homeowners but is a text I recommend for professionals--DF.
  • Builder's Guide to Wells and Septic Systems, Woodson, R. Dodge: $ 24.95; MCGRAW HILL B; TP;Quoting from Amazon's description: For the homebuilder, one mistake in estimating or installing wells and septic systems can cost thousands of dollars. This comprehensive guide filled with case studies can prevent that. Master plumber R. Dodge Woodson packs this reader-friendly guide with guidance and information, including details on new techniques and materials that can economize and expedite jobs and advice on how to avoid mistakes in both estimating and construction. Chapters cover virtually every aspect of wells and septic systems, including on-site evaluations; site limitations; bidding; soil studies, septic designs, and code-related issues; drilled and dug wells, gravel and pipe, chamber-type, and gravity septic systems; pump stations; common problems with well installation; and remedies for poor septic situations. Woodson also discusses ways to increase profits by avoiding cost overruns.
  • Country Plumbing: Living with a Septic System, Hartigan, Gerry: $ 9.95; ALAN C HOOD & TP;Quoting an Amazon reviewer's comment, with which we agree--DF:This book is informative as far as it goes and might be most useful for someone with an older system. But it was written in the early 1980s. A lot has changed since then. In particular, the book doesn't cover any of the newer systems that are used more and more nowadays in some parts of the country -- sand mounds, aeration systems, lagoons, etc.
  • Onsite Wastewater Disposal, R. J. Perkins;Quoting from Amazon: This practical book, co-published with the National Environmental Health Association,describes the step-by-step procedures needed to avoid common pitfalls in septic system technology.Valuable in matching the septic system to the site-specific conditions, this useful book will help you install a reliable system inboth suitable and difficult environments. Septic tank installers, planners, state and local regulators, civil and sanitary engineers,consulting engineers, architects, homeowners, academics, and land developers will find this publication valuable.
  • Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems, Bennette D. Burks, Mary Margaret Minnis, Hogarth House 1994 - one of the best septic system books around, suffering a bit from small fonts and a weak index. (DF volunteers to serve as indexer if Burks/Minnis re-publish this very useful volume.)While it contains some material more technical than needed by homeowners, Burks/Minnis book on onsite wastewater treatment systems a very useful reference for both property owners and septic system designers. We refer to it often.
  • Septic Tank/Soil-Absorption Systems: How to Operate & Maintain [ copy on file as /septic/Septic_Operation_USDA.pdf ] - , Equipment Tips, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 8271 1302, 7100 Engineering, 2300 Recreation, September 1982, web search 08/28/2010, original source:
  • Septic System Owner's Manual, Lloyd Kahn, Blair Allen, Julie Jones, Shelter Publications, 2000 $14.95 U.S. - easy to understand, well illustrated, one of the best practical references around on septic design basics including some advanced systems; a little short on safety and maintenance. Both new and used (low priced copies are available, and we think the authors are working on an updated edition--DF.Quoting from one of several Amazon reviews: The basics of septic systems, from underground systems and failures to what the owner can do to promote and maintain a healthy system, is revealed in an excellent guide essential for any who reside on a septic system. Rural residents receive a primer on not only the basics; but how to conduct period inspections and what to do when things go wrong. History also figures into the fine coverage.
  • Septic System Owner's Manual, Lloyd Kahn, Blair Allen, Julie Jones, Shelter Publications, 2000 $14.95 U.S. - easy to understand, well illustrated, one of the best practical references around on septic design basics including some advanced systems; a little short on safety and maintenance. Both new and used (low priced copies are available, and we think the authors are working on an updated edition--DF. Quoting from one of several Amazon reviews: The basics of septic systems, from underground systems and failures to what the owner can do to promote and maintain a healthy system, is revealed in an excellent guide essential for any who reside on a septic system. Rural residents receive a primer on not only the basics; but how to conduct period inspections and what to do when things go wrong. History also figures into the fine coverage.
  • Grass is Always Greener Over the Septic Tank, Bombeck, Erma: $ 5.99; FAWCETT; MM;This septic system classic whose title helps avoid intimidating readers new to septic systems, is available new or used at very low prices.It's more entertainment than a serious 'how to' book on septic systems design, maintenance, or repair. Not recommended -- DF.
  • US EPA Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Manual Top Reference: US EPA's Design Manual for Onsite Wastewater Treatment and Disposal, 1980, available from the US EPA, the US GPO Superintendent of Documents (Pueblo CO), and from the National Small Flows Clearinghouse. Original source
  • Water Wells and Septic Systems Handbook, R. Dodge Woodson. This book is in the upper price range, but is worth the cost for serious septic installers and designers.Quoting Amazon: Each year, thousands upon thousands of Americans install water wells and septic systems on their properties. But with a maze of codes governing their use along with a host of design requirements that ensure their functionality where can someone turn for comprehensive, one-stop guidance? Enter the Water Wells and Septic Systems Handbook from McGraw-Hill.
    Written in language any property owner can understand yet detailed enough for professionals and technical students this easy-to-use volume delivers the latest techniques and code requirements for designing, building, rehabilitating, and maintaining private water wells and septic systems. Bolstered by a wealth of informative charts, tables, and illustrations, this book delivers:
    * Current construction, maintenance, and repair methods
    * New International Private Sewage Disposal Code
    * Up-to-date standards from the American Water Works Association
  • Wells and Septic System, Alth, Max and Charlet, Rev. by S. Blackwell Duncan, $ 18.95; Tab Books 1992. We have found this text very useful for conventional well and septic systems design and maintenance --DF.Quoting an Amazon description:Here's all the information you need to build a well or septic system yourself - and save a lot of time, money, and frustration. S. Blackwell Duncan has thoroughly revised and updated this second edition of Wells and Septic Systems to conform to current codes and requirements. He also has expanded this national bestseller to include new material on well and septic installation, water storage and distribution, water treatment, ecological considerations, and septic systems for problem building sites.
  • The NSFC Products List has an excellent list of design manuals/modules National Small Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC) now (2019/12/13) hosted at Tel: 304-293-4191 e-mail
    he National Small Flows Clearinghouse (NSFC) was funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help America's small communities and individuals solve their wastewater problems through objective information about onsite wastewater collection and treatment systems. NSFC products and information are the only national resource of its type, dealing with small community wastewater infrastructure. or by telephone 800-624-8301
  • ...
  • Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd., 120 Carlton Street Suite 407, Toronto ON M5A 4K2. Tel: (416) 964-9415 1-800-268-7070 Email: The firm provides professional HOME INSPECTION SERVICES and also extensive HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION and home inspection-related PUBLICATIONS. Alan Carson is a past president of ASHI, the American Society of Home Inspectors.
    Thanks to Alan Carson and Bob Dunlop, for permission for InspectAPedia to use text excerpts from The Home Reference Book & illustrations from The Illustrated Home. Carson Dunlop Associates' provides extensive home inspection education and report writing material.
    The ILLUSTRATED HOME illustrates construction details and building components, a reference for owners & inspectors.
    Special Offer: For a 5% discount on any number of copies of the Illustrated Home purchased as a single order Enter INSPECTAILL in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space.
    TECHNICAL REFERENCE GUIDE to manufacturer's model and serial number information for heating and cooling equipment, useful for determining the age of heating boilers, furnaces, water heaters is provided by Carson Dunlop Weldon & Associates
    Special Offer: Carson Dunlop Associates offers InspectAPedia readers in the U.S.A. a 5% discount on any number of copies of the Technical Reference Guide purchased as a single order. Just enter INSPECTATRG in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space.
  • The HOME REFERENCE BOOK - the Encyclopedia of Homes, Carson Dunlop & Associates, Toronto, Ontario, 25th Ed., 2012, is a bound volume of more than 450 illustrated pages that assist home inspectors and home owners in the inspection and detection of problems on buildings. The text is intended as a reference guide to help building owners operate and maintain their home effectively. Field inspection worksheets are included at the back of the volume.
    Special Offer
    : For a 10% discount on any number of copies of the Home Reference Book purchased as a single order. Enter INSPECTAHRB in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space. editor Daniel Friedman is a contributing author.
    Or choose the The HOME REFERENCE eBook for PCs, Macs, Kindle, iPad, iPhone, or Android Smart Phones.
    Special Offer
    : For a 5% discount on any number of copies of the Home Reference eBook purchased as a single order. Enter INSPECTAEHRB in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space.
  • Building inspection education & report writing systems from Carson, Dunlop & Associates Ltd
    COMMERCIAL BUILDING INSPECTION COURSES - protocol ASTM Standard E 2018-08 for Property Condition Assessments
    HOME INSPECTION EDUCATION COURSES (USA) including home study & live classes at eleven colleges & universities.
    Special Offer: Carson Dunlop Associates offers InspectAPedia readers in the U.S.A. a 5% discount on these courses: Enter INSPECTAHITP in the order payment page 'Promo/Redemption' space. editor Daniel Friedman is a contributing author.
  • The Horizon Software System manages business operations,scheduling, & inspection report writing using Carson Dunlop's knowledge base & color images. The Horizon system runs on always-available cloud-based software for office computers, laptops, tablets, iPad, Android, & other smartphones
Publisher - Daniel Friedman


Fonts management
Fonts conversion
Fonts creation

Fonts management

PC. $40
by Alexander Styopkin

Advanced Font Viewer is a comprehensive application, which is ideal for viewing, printing and managing your fonts.
You will be able to simultaneously view all fonts installed, view previously uninstalled fonts and install them, print list with type specimens, and uninstall unused fonts.
The simple user interface is designed to guarantee quick access to the tools. There are many customization features as well. Many options can be customized to suit your preferences.

PC. $60
by Proxima Software

FontExpert enables you to preview and manage both installed and uninstalled typefaces, plus examine your system for font errors.
You can display the list of installed font faces, customizable font samples and advanced font properties.
The program allows you to print different types of reports, and offers many printing options.

PC. $50
by High Logic

MainType is a powerful font manager for Windows that offers a straightforward and easy-to-use interface to help you maintain your fonts.
It includes features for novice users who just want to view and install fonts as well as advanced features for graphic designers and typographers. In order to find the right fonts for your needs, the software includes filter and sort functionality as well as a font information pane that reveals important typographic data. The groups pane helps you quickly organize your font collection.

PC. $40
by JMBerthier

OpenType, TrueType and Type 1 Font Management (except Multiple Master).
List, print or inventory the font families scattered in your machine, with all variants, whether installed or not installed.
Detect and correct font installation problems.
Optimize your machine and your efficiency by using font groups taylored to different needs.

PC. $35
by Neuber GbR

Font manager for OpenType, TrueType, PostScript Type 1 and printer fonts. Previews all fonts. Displays all font properties (typeface classification, kerning pairs, file data, copyright...). Views character set, keyboard layout, zoom view. Finds similar fonts and compares several fonts tabularly. Prints fonts in many ways. Manages fonts in database and font groups. Font file management functions.
Typograf searches fonts and duplicates on your harddrive, CD-ROM's or DVD's. Sorting fonts by file, name, family, size, copyright, width,... You can edit the file information (name, copyright). You have favorites and history of viewed directories and Tag for viewing and printig fonts.

PC. $35
by Blacksun Software

Font Viewer, Font Manager and 3D Graphic Program.
Supports all font types (TrueType, OpenType, Postscript, Raster, Vector)
The free version is fully functional for Truetype/Opentype fonts, and registered users get the following bonus features : preview Postscript Type 1 fonts, print not-installed fonts overview, create transparent GIF pictures, blurred shadow effects, outline font effects, filter on not-installed fonts.

PC. Freeware
by Veign

Quickly view all fonts currently loaded on your system.
Users are able to quickly scroll through each font getting a custom preview of their choice (backcolor, text color, and text displayed).
Also, be able to view and install fonts from any directory, CD, or folder.
Use the Slideshow feature to cycle through the fonts, displaying a preview, with no user intervention.

PC Mac. 80€
by Linotype

FontExplorer X sets a new standard for font management software. Font management, font sorting, font shopping and font discovery are simple and fun !
FontExplorer X gives computer users all the functionality they ever dreamed, easy to use with an elegant style.

Fontdoctor 8 4 0 – Diagnose And Repair Damaged Fonts

PC. Freeware
by Sue Fisher

Displays all fonts on your computer, installed or not. You can compare them with your own text, display the full character set with the corresponding code.
You can create groups of fonts, install or uninstall fonts or groups of fonts at once in the Fonts folder.

PC. Freeware
by red spark studios

Fontomatic is a freeware fonts tool for adding and removing fonts from Windows quickly, easily and in batches. Windows loads all fonts at startup and so it is important to optimise your PC by removing these fonts by copying them to a seperate directory and adding them only when needed. This is one of the main benefits of fontomatic - it allows you to add directories of font files really quickly.

Fonts conversion

PC Mac. $100
by FontLab Ltd.

Universal font convertor. In seconds you can convert any outline font to almost any other format on Mac and PC (PC Type 1, PC TrueType, Mac Type 1, Mac TrueType, PC Multiple Master, Mac Multiple Master).
Autohinting of the converted fonts, preview fonts before and after conversion, batch conversions of whole libraries of fonts...

PC. $45
by AcuteSystems

CrossFont is a Windows program that can convert TrueType and PostScript Type1 fonts between Macintosh and PC platforms. Features include long file names, automatic file recognition, drag and drop, folder searching, NT SFM support, hinting and internal font data is not changed.

Mac. Freeware
by Chris Reed

Macintosh software, to convert PC TrueType fonts into Mac TrueType fonts, and conversely.

Fontdoctor 8 4 0 – Diagnose And Repair Damaged Fonts

PC. $80
by High Logic

Font Creator puts font creation within the grasp of the average PC user, typographers and graphic designers.
The editor lets you easily select and modify the entire character set of any TrueType font and fonts based on OpenType font technology.
Features include the ability to convert (scanned) images to outlines, thus enabling you to create fonts with your own signature, logo and handwriting.
The intuitive interface makes Font Creator the perfect tool for both new and experienced users. The advanced validation features make the design process easy and help you avoid common mistakes.

PC Mac. $650
by FontLab Ltd.

FontLab Studio is a next-generation professional font editor for Mac and Windows. It is the comprehensive solution for font foundries, professional type designers, typographers and graphic design studios, allowing them to design type, create and modify fonts. FontLab Studio supports all major outline font formats, including Type 1, TrueType, Multiple Master and OpenType.

PC Mac. $100
by FontLab Ltd.

TypeTool is our basic font editor for Mac OS and for Windows.
For students, hobby typographers and creative professionals who occasionally need to create or customize fonts.
Create new fonts or modify existing fonts, open any fonts installed on your system.

PC. $80
by High Logic

It's never been easier to make your own custom fonts. Scanahand allows you to generate fonts without the need to know all of the technical details involved.
Simply print a template, draw all of the characters and your signature using a black marker or felt-tip pen, and scan your drawing. Scanahand will build your font, and install it, ready for you to use.
It's easy and fun, so give it a try and add a personal touch to your computer!

PC Mac Linux. Freeware
by George Williams

An outline font editor that lets you create your own postscript, truetype, opentype, cid-keyed, multi-master, cff, svg and bitmap (bdf, FON, NFNT) fonts, or edit existing ones. Also lets you convert one format to another. FontForge has support for many macintosh font formats.

PC Mac. $20
by Derek Weathersbee

TypeBridge closes the gap between Illustrator and FontLab by fine-tuning your characters for importing. Once you've drawn your characters in Illustrator, you simply select your characters, run the script, and all of your anchors are automatically (and carefully) nudged to the closest whole integer, in a way that is practically unnoticable. What you will notice is that the integrity of your typeface remains intact!

PC Mac. $50
by Softonium Developments

A desktop application that reads images and then goes through all the fonts on your computer and matches the letters in the image against the fonts installed or located on your computer.
You are provided with a list of matching fonts along with the matching accuracy for each one. You may also type text and see how well the matching went.
It's ideal for graphic designers and creative professionals who would otherwise spend hours trying to find a matching font.
Note-- Don't forget to tell the program when you add new fonts on your computer (Fonts menu > FontSet Setup > Resfresh Set)

PC Mac. $70
by FontGear

FontDoctor is a powerful font problem diagnosis and repair tool.
It will scan font folders (on local hard drives or over a network) to locate and repair common font illnesses, including missing Postscript fonts, missing bitmaps, corrupt/damaged fonts, mixed fonts types, and lots more.

PC Mac Linux. Freeware
by Remon Lammers

True Font Family is a script in order to use True Type web fonts as if they were supported by current browsers. This means, you can use any font on the Internet using standard CSS without any kind of manual work. Just install it once and start using your .ttf font files. It will save a lot of time and offer new possibilities.
Also available : professional version $27 (best compatibility, flexibility and security)

PC. Freeware
by Fabrizio Giustina

Renames the fonts files with their real name.

PC. $40
by Neuber GbR

Fontdoctor 8 4 0 – Diagnose And Repair Damaged Fonts Using

FontTwister lets you create impressive text effects for web pages, illustration, multimedia projects and presentations in seconds. Add glows, bevels, embossing, transparency, texture, edges, soft shadows and blurs to your text or apply one of the dozens of built-in styles.

Fontdoctor 8 4 0 – Diagnose And Repair Damaged Fonts Onto