Clean Text 7 5

  1. Clean Text 7 5 Minute
  2. Clean Text 7 5.1

CleanTxt Utility - Runs under Dos/Windows
Cleans up Nasty Text Files
Converts between Unix Dos and Mac Formats

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CLEANTXT.EXE - Cleans of Nasty Text Files


Clean text often means a list of words or tokens that we can work with in our machine learning models. This means converting the raw text into a list of words and saving it again. A very simple way to do this would be to split the document by white space, including ” “, new lines, tabs and more.


This program converts text files between DOS, UNIX, and MACINTOSH formats and is used to clean up files. CleanTxt reads all text file formats and can output text for different operating system text file formats. DOS files use CR,LF. UNIX uses only LF, and some MAC programs use only CR. Some strange programs reverse the CR and the LF confusing standard editors. CleanTxt is designed to clean up these files so you can work with them.

This program is useful where you would download several hundred web pages from a Unix web server for mas conversion. However, your software does not like Unix text files. CleanTxt can convert your web pages to Dos format, allow you to process them, and then convert them back for uploading.

CleanTxt also removes double CR characters left by Netscape when saving a web page source. It also wraps long lines at 255 or less characters and breaks the lines at spaces or HTML tags. This is handy for web pages that put everything on one long line. It also removes trailing spaces at the end of lines. A switch is provided to strip the high bit on text files to convert old Wordstar files to raw text. CleanTxt removes the ^Z from the end of DOS text files. CleanTxt preserves the date and time stamps on a file.

Wildcards are supported to convert all files in the directory.

When this program is run under an operating system that supports long file names, this program will use long names. Currently Windows 95/98 works with long names. Windows NT4.x does not.

If only one filename is given then the input and output files are the same. You can also use dos pipes with CleanText. The date and time of the output file is set to match the input file.

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Clean Text 7 5 Minute



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Target 7.1: Universal access to modern energy

UN definition: By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.

SDG Indicator 7.1.1

Access to electricity

Definition: Indicator 7.1.1 is the proportion of population with access to electricity.

This is measured as the share of people with electricity access at the household level. It comprises electricity sold commercially, both on-grid and off-grid.

Goal:By 2030 ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.

This requires universal access to electricity by 2030.

More research: Further data and research on this topic can be found at the Our World in Data entry on Energy Production & Changing Energy Sources.

Additional charts:
Electricity access, urban vs. rural
Number of people with and without electricity access
Power outages

SDG Indicator 7.1.2

Access to clean fuels for cooking

Definition: Indicator 7.1.2 is the proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology.

This is measured as the share of the total population with access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking. Access to clean fuels or technologies such as clean cookstoves reduce exposure to indoor air pollutants, a leading cause of death in low-income households.

Goal:By 2030 ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services.

This requires universal access to clean fuels and technologies for cooking by 2030.

More research: Further data and research on this topic can be found at the Our World in Data entry on Indoor Air Pollution.

Clean Text 7 5.1

Additional charts:
Electricity access, urban vs. rural
Number of people with and without electricity access
Power outages

Target 7.2: Increase global percentage of renewable energy

UN definition: By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

SDG Indicator 7.2.1

Renewable energy

Definition: Indicator 7.2.1 is renewable energy share in the total final energy consumption.

This is measured as renewable energy (inclusive of solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, bioenergy and marine sources) as a share of final (not primary) energy consumption. Energy mix includes electricity, transportation and cooking/heating fuels.

Goal:By 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix.

More research: Further data and research on this topic can be found at the Our World in Data entries on Energy Production & Changing Energy Sources and Renewables.

Additional charts:
Electricity share by fuel source

Target 7.3: Double the improvement in energy efficiency

UN definition: By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

SDG Indicator 7.3.1

Energy efficiency

Definition: Indicator 7.3.1 is energy intensity measured in terms of primary energy and GDP.

This is measured as the energy intensity of economies (collectively across all sectors). Energy intensity is measured as the quantity of kilowatt-hours produced per 2011 international-$ of gross domestic product (kWh per 2011 int-$).

Goal:By 2030, double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.

More research: Further data and research on this topic can be found at the Our World in Data entry on Energy Production & Changing Energy Sources.

Additional charts:
Energy intensity by sector

Target 7.A: Promote access, technology and investments in clean energy

UN definition: By 2030, enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology.

SDG Indicator 7.A.1

Access and investments in clean energy

Definition: Indicator 7.A.1 is international financial flows to developing countries in support of clean energy research and development and renewable energy production, including in hybrid systems.

Goal:Enhance international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technology, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced and cleaner fossil-fuel technology, and promote investment in energy infrastructure and clean energy technology by 2030.

Target 7.B: Expand and upgrade energy services for developing countries

UN definition: By 2030, expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and landlocked developing countries, in accordance with their respective programmes of support.

SDG Indicator 7.B.1

Expanding energy services for developing countries

Definition: Indicator 7.B.1 is investments in energy efficiency as a proportion of GDP and the amount of foreign direct investment in financial transfer for infrastructure and technology to sustainable development services.


Goal:Expand infrastructure and upgrade technology for supplying modern and sustainable energy services for all in developing countries by 2030.

We are currently not aware of data for this indicator. You can notify us of available data for this indicator via our feedback form.